
I had another terato dream! It’s weird, I was never really into werewolves, but now I’m starting to rethink that…

I was a peasant girl in a medieval style town, and I was in an arranged marriage with some guy of a slightly higher status. I didn’t like him much; he was cute, but far too into rules and etiquette, which I found dull. He didn’t seem to like me much either – in fact, he barely even spoke to me.

In our town (which looked kind of like a skyrim town) there had been several murders recently, and it was ill-advised to go out after dark. One night, I couldn’t sleep and went to look for my husband but he wasn’t home. I ventured out of our little house to look for him, and heard a noise from a side street. I went to investigate (of course) and accross the cobbles, between two sloping houses, I could just make out a huge shape. It straightened up as I watched, and as my eyes adjusted I realised what it was: a monstrous black werewolf, holding in it’s hand the body of a dead man.

The corpse hit the floor, and I had a strange feeling. I knew somehow that the werewolf wasn’t the serial killer, but instead, the man he’d just killed was. I also knew, without a doubt, that the werewolf was my husband.

The werewolf growled as I walked closer, but all I could think was how wrong I’d been. My husband wasn’t dull or boring at all.

“It’s you,” I said confidently, and he stopped mid snarl. His eyes widened.

“You knew?”

I shook my head, feeling my body respond to his low voice. “Not until just now.”

“And you aren’t afraid?”

My reply was cut off by a shout at the other end of the street. Some townsfolk had come accross the scene, and all they could see was a werewolf looming over a corpse.

“Help,” someone yelled. “Somebody stop him!”

“He’s killed again!”

Doors of houses started to open, and my werewolf shot me a desperate look.

“Go,” I hissed, and he nodded.

I tried to keep up as we ran through the darkened streets. The people chasing us were making such a noise, it wasn’t all that hard to evade them. My werewolf helped me climb and run, and eventually we got to an old barn on the outskirts of town, where everything seemed quiet.

He turned to me, his chest heaving. He was really huge: his fur was long and shaggy, black as pitch, and I could see how sharp his teeth were as he tried to catch his breath.

I didn’t say anything else – I just threw myself at him. I grabbed a fistful of the fur on his chest and yanked him towards me, standing on tiptoes to reach his mouth.

It seemed like he wanted it as much as I did. His mouth opened eagerly, but it was awkward on mine, his jaw moving in a way I wasn’t used to. It didn’t matter – I messily pushed my tongue in his mouth, feeling his teeth, the ridges on his palate, all while his own tongue twisted and curled against mine.

It began to rain, and he shoved me up against the barn door. He lifted me easily and I wrapped my legs around him – it made him go crazy, and he pawed at me like a ferocious beast, growling and snarling as he draged his tongue along my neck.

We had this perfect, heated moment together, but it ended too soon when we heard the townsfolk starting to get too close to our hiding spot.

My husband told me to stay there; he said it was him that they wanted, and he could draw them away easier if he knew I was safe.

I agreed, and he said he’d come back for me as soon as he could. I watched him go, replaying our tryst in my mind.

Morning came. I’d spent the whole night waiting, thinking about him, but he hadn’t come back. I walked back into town, wondering if he’d returned to our house, but before I even got there I realized what must have happened.

In the town square, in the middle of a group of jubilant townsfolk, was a decapitated werewolf’s head on a stick.

(Seriously, i woke up distraught. Why must my dreams fuck me over like this!)

*cries real tears*


Wingdings had always been a little … odd. With a mind like that, crazy comes second nature. Not that all the Gaster brothers weren’t extremes in their own rights, but his madness was something deeper than theirs: darker, funnier, downright frightening to those who didn’t know him. It had never gone beyond that–his brothers had known him to be loopy at best–but after a hundred sleepless, stressful nights, the royal scientist’s already loose threads began to unravel. 

Papyrus, only a child, had been nowhere near the lab when it happened. Sans, on the other hand, the oldest of the three and consulting quantum physicist on the paradox project, watched it all go downhill in a split second faster than a death peal of thunder. 

He practically dove in when the world bent backwards around his brother, but when he finally lost him … oh, when he lost him. He’d never forgive himself for taking back his hand, shoulders-deep into the beta time-turner, no matter how much it hurt, no matter how blue his bones burned on his right side. Their fingers had been inches apart, but it may as well have been light years in terms of time and space. As he lay on the icy lab floor, staring into a ceiling that didn’t matter behind the looping nightmare on play, he realized he had failed. He had failed his little brother.

Even with a blind eye and a broken body, Sans wasted no time leaving that burning wasteland. He took Papyrus with him, away from the core, the lab, the kingdom. He took him as far away as he could, deep into the middle of rural nowhere among snowy pine forests and soft bunny-folk. Nothing ever happened here. Here, he could protect the last light of his life, the only thing that mattered. He would do better this time.

He promised.

Just a stray head-canon. As much as I love dadster (and I do love it, oh so very much), I also also love the idea of Wingdings as a third brother.

This hit me in the heart… and that one drawing with the “nothing” hit me somewhere else. (Such a gorgeous skeleton).

I love all of this.

A Light in the Darkness


@accidentalfeelfest and I agreed to each write a drabble based off of a void glory hole. They finished their hilarious piece ages ago (and you should go read it, it’s AMAZING), but I took a little longer and then took even longer still because I just kept going. -_- Anyways, I hope you enjoy my attempt and happy Friday (or Saturday)

Warnings: Dubcon

Gaster stared out into the inky blackness of the void. It wasn’t much to see, but there wasn’t anything else to look at. The minute color differences between the black and the slightly more purple black and the brownish black were starting to stand out to him. Absent curiosity made him wonder if the differences had meaning, but boredom had destroyed his ability to actually put any thought into it.

He was going to lose his mind.

He had lost his mind. There was no way there was a glowing blue… what the fuck was that?

Gaster got to his feet with a groan- How long had he been sitting here?- and shuffled towards what had to be his imagination. There was nothing in the void. He had checked. And yet…

As he approached the anomaly, it resolved itself into… a penis.

Keep reading

This is great.

Submission: Claimed By The Sea

A treat for an old frendo, from zaiyofalls:

The sea air was crisp, the storms had narrowly missed us. The ship was safe, but there was a feeling of dread washing over me. I don’t know if anyone else felt it. I’d been on edge for days, and taken to waiting on the deck of the ship while everyone else was eating or sleeping. The sound of the water, the whispering creak of the ship, the wind…

Perhaps I didn’t notice because I was trying too hard to. Maybe I was looking for the wrong thing. But it’d been a while since I’d felt touch like that. It was sudden, and wet, and warm. The feeling of it disregarded my clothes. And i was paralyzed, helpless, as the touches washed over me like the sea.

I wish I could say I struggled, but I couldn’t. I’d given myself to the sea years ago. This felt like coming home. The dread that had been drowning me was fading away under the pressure of touches i couldn’t fathom. I couldn’t see it. I could only feel. I went to my knees on the deck, struggling to breathe. I didn’t know what was touching me, but i needed it. I craved the relief from tension.

I hoped no one could hear me, in the dead of night, out on the deck, being claimed by my birthright, the magic of the sea. Feeling the power build inside me, until it burst. I felt it assimilate, felt my body stretch. My clothes tore, and it felt divine. Now it was so much more intense. My screams were inhuman, my voice darker, ethereal. I was part of it. It was part of me. I could feel others like me deep in the ocean, calling me home to them.

I hesitated for a moment, but the dread resurged at the notion of staying. I let myself plunge into the black waters, felt joy so intense that it felt like pleasure. It felt like being welcomed home.

(Open to interpretation or continuation, i just wanted to do a writing exercise and this popped into my head. I still love pirates way too much.)

A Terato Masterlist Masterlist


This is essentially a list of other writer’s masterlists, mostly so I can find them myself without having to dig. I’ll add my own soon as soon as I have enough written to warrant the creation of a masterlist.

Feel free to reblog or message me with other masterlists so that I can add them here. However, I have a zero tolerance policy for non-con, incest, and pedophilia, so please keep that in mind.

@momolady‘s Masterlist

@teradoration‘s Masterlist

@monstersandmaw‘s Masterlist

@mintstermonsters‘s Masterlist

@terato-romance‘s Masterlist

@sweetstrangeness‘s Masterlist

@howtobangyourmonster‘s Masterlist

@orc-lady-unabi‘s Masterlist

@aelia-likes-monsters‘s Masterlist

Good list. Great writers.

Something’s Not Quite Right Part 3


Beware! For there be a pov change up ahead! Argh! Alright, speaking like a pirate time over. Frisk’s pov becomes second person for this part. We get to slip into her skin, so to speak. Inspired by @darkcrystaldemon, and if you like my stuff, you’ll definitely like hers.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Using the ID, you slip into the lab quite easily. While the lab was open 24 hours, at night it definitely became less active. You assume. You’ve never been to New Labs except for the opening tour. But it was so long ago you couldn’t remember where you went or how you got around.

Except you know how to follow the signs.

Taking an elevator down to the Genetics Department, you remember the room number Sans gave, promising you that he would be there.

The whole floor is spooky, illuminated by dim fluorescent lights and very empty. You’re thankful for the sweater you’re wearing, for it’s slightly chilly down here. It gives you strong True Lab vibes, which intensifies when you come across the room Sans told you to go to, and used his ID to open, revealing rows of beds. You half expected a goopy Monster to appear.

“Sans?” You call softly, taking a cautious step into the room.

There’s no response, but something flickers at the corner of your eye. Turning, you see one of the beds has a curtain around it, and when you focus, you can hear a slight beeping sound. Like a monitor.

Worry filling you, you rush over to the bed. “Sans!” You exclaim, pulling the curtains back.

Keep reading

Doesn’t It Hurt?

Submitted by sinfulmusingsblog

“Doesn’t it hurt?”

He had almost dozed off when she asked that question, and he looks down at her in mild surprise, his hand pausing in its idle stroking of her bare back. She’s not looking at him though, but the chains and piercings that he had placed on the bedside table. Knowing exactly what she means, but unable to resist teasing her, he lets out a low chuckle that sends a small shiver down her spine, like he knew it would, and he asks, “Does what hurt darling?”

Her cheeks dust with a delicate blush, and she reaches out and grabs one of his piercings, playing with it, turning it over in her hands. “Does it hurt to, you know, pierce your flesh?”

She keeps her eyes averted, almost shyly, and he chuckles. Despite being so open in the bedroom, she was so hesitant in their relationship. Tucking a skeletal finger under her chin, he turns her face up to look at his.

“Do they feel good?” He asks simply, setting her face ablaze again. His smirk deepens. Slowly, through their time together, he was bringing down her walls, but to her, speaking about what they did together still seemed mildly embarrassing. As if there was anything embarrassing about her body.

She attempts to avert her face again, but he grips her chin firmly, keeping her from hiding.

“Eyes on me, darling.” He purrs, and obediently she looks him in the eye sockets.

“Do they feel good?” He repeats. Then adds, his other hand tracing her curves, “Does my studded cock feels good inside of you, ribbed for your pleasure? Rubbing against your sweet spots? Does it feel good to have it thrust in and out of you?”

With their eyes locked and her face firmly in his hands, there’s no hiding the effect his words have on her. Her breath hitches slightly and her eyes fog with desire and lust.

When she doesn’t answer though, he presses a hand against her pussy, a metacarpal pressed against her clit, shocking her out of her daze. Ignoring how wet his phalanges feel, he fixes her with a look. “Well darling?”

Immediately, and obediently, she whispers. “Yes.” Before he can reproach her, she clears her throat, and speaks more clearly and loudly, “Yes, they feel very good.”

Good girl. “That’s all I need to know.” He presses a kiss to her unresisting lips, which she returns, but when she breaks away, she fixes him with a stubborn look, and he’s reminded why he loves her. Even as submissive as she is, she isn’t weak willed. She gave him control over her, which makes him appreciate it all the more.

“But does it hurt?” She bites her lip, her stare softening. “I don’t want-You don’t have to keep doing it if it hurts,” she amends. “I like you just as is too,” she says seductively, rolling her hips along his iliac crest. She knew how to push his buttons.

He gives her a fond smile, and kisses her forehead. “No darling, it doesn’t hurt at all. My magic is very flexible. I have very fine control over it. Besides, some of the piercings are for my pleasure as well.”

Satisfied, she melts under his touch, softly moaning as he rubs her clit and gently fingers her pussy. All this talk had gotten his magic flowing again, and he no longer felt like dozing. He was ready to couple with her again, and once he got her ready, he would show her how much pleasure he can give her without the piercings.

(First time writing something like this. It was originally meant to be just some after care, but it turned slightly smutty towards the end. It’s an exploration of that piercings of ectobodies idea. The skeleton and female human aren’t really meant to be anyone, just a skeleton who’s bent on corrupting this(his) innocent human who isn’t so innocent, but enjoys getting corrupted.)


Imagine a monster sucking a human dick and getting really into it.

Their forked tongue wraps all the way around the shaft and slides up slowly, slipping along the taut, velvety skin. When it nudges against the ridge of the glans it squeezes, and the human is so hard that it aches. That tongue is just so warm and wet, squirming and wriggling all over their cock in a way that shouldn’t even be possible.

They really lose it when the monster begins to make deep, rumbling purring sounds. They just look so happy like that; eyes closed, ears flattened to their head, jaw opened wide to keep their long teeth away from such sensitive skin.

The monster’s whole head bobs when they continue to pump with their tongue, and the tips of their fork play along the slit, lapping at the pre-cum. They only go faster when they feel the human’s pulse beating within that stiffness, cum starting to well up to the surface.

And when the human does cum, it’s hard. Their whole body tenses, their back arches off the ground, and they shove their cock deeper into the monster’s mouth. They don’t even care about the danger of teeth – all they can think about is how the monster snorts and pants, hot air ghosting over their hips, tongue slathering all over their spurting cock. The monster swallows it down, wringing out every last drop, and continues to squeeze and lick.

“Argh…. Ngh, senstive,” the human moans eventually, trying to push the monster’s face away, but they don’t budge. Instead they slow down, gently smearing the human’s own wetness over the tip in small, teasing circles. 

It doesn’t take long for the human to get stiff again, not with a tongue like that working them up. The monster purrs happily as they settle down for another heavy session. They’ve really gotten a taste for it now, and they know exactly what it takes to get what they want.

fuck, marry, kill: werewolf, vampire, dragon


Fuck vampire, marry werewolf, kill dragon

Here’s the reasoning:

Vampires are explicitly based on now-outdated sex fears, pretty similar to the succubus myth. The conclusion? They’d be an incredible fuck.

Marry the werewolf cause the whole pack-bonding deal is going to make them an astoundingly committed spouse. Plus, good to snuggle up with big fluffy wife on cold winter nights.

The dragon is a metaphor for capitalism. Hoarding wealth is inherently unethical. Its treasure shall be seized and redistributed to the people. Slay the rich.

Too insightful not to reblog.

Ok since it seems were in an elemental mood what about water elementals??


Water elementals don’t have a solid form, the water constantly moving and shifting. It’s relaxing to listen to – like a soft fountain on a spring day.

Whenever it touches you, it feels like pressure. Your skin beads with moisture as the water jets against it, and it never feels too cold or too hot. Just pleasantly warm. 

You open yourself up to it, laying back and letting it take control. It knows exactly how to touch you, where the pressure feels best. The water swirls in circles around your most sensitive parts, teasing you. It waits for you to buck your hips up for more, and that’s when it starts to lap at you, like the waves of the ocean. You move with it, up and down, the rhythm enough to make your belly feel hot and numb, but it isn’t enough for you to cum. Not yet. It wants you to ask for that, and when you finally do you feel the water vibrate, like the elemental is purring. 

It splashes happily when you’re done, folding over you like a warm blanket. Just because the water elemental doesn’t have a form, doesn’t mean it can’t enjoy every minute of intimacy with you.