

*swoon* Call me “Kitten” one more time

Us Papyrus and Uf Papyrus with a male S/O because most the time even if the S/O isn’t gendered do they almost always have a fem body in most imagines that I have seen let’s give the guys some love? Have no idea for anything specific except that I would love some fluff, maybe cuddles, anything will do :D though I got a sort of idea while writing this, the skellies realising they are falling for their male friend who they are not sure swing that way? I don’t know anymore, you decide~


(alright, i apologize for taking a bit to finish up this prompt! you’re absolutely right, there’s nowhere near enough plainly-stated male s/o content for those sweet skeleton feelings around… i’m happy to give this a shot- so let’s see what may be brewing for Stretch and in Edge’s mind on that front, shall we~? <3)

US Pap:

“Okay, seriously, how do you get a huge mixed flavor box of popsicles and only have blue ones?”

You shot an exasperated look over your shoulder at Stretch, who was watching you with his usual tired grin while he took a drag at his cigarette. He shrugged amicably, his gaze turning briefly towards his brother’s room – it was unoccupied at the moment, as Blue had decided to go out training with Alphys.

“would you believe me if i said that Blue buys six boxes at once, then sorts them into single flavor boxes and delivers the other flavors to friends with the matching taste?”

“… Holy… okay, damn. Yes. Yes I would. That ridiculously kind-hearted son of a…”

You shot one last lingering look to the box of popsicles, but grimaced and shuddered briefly and opted to grab yourself a soda instead. You shut the freezer with a bump of your elbow and moved to flop back down on the couch next to your best friend.

“not a fan of that flavor, then?”

You tilted your head back with a groan before meeting his genuinely curious look. “Blue raspberry? Hell no. I mean, it’s cool, Blue can like what he wants, but…” you shuddered again before taking a swig of your soda, as if to wash the ghost of a remembered taste from your mouth. “Just… no way. I mean, first off – it’s only blue because there were too many ‘red’ flavors, so they chose to make cherry flavors darker, watermelons lighter, that sort of thing, and just decided raspberry could screw off to an antifreeze blue color, as if that was a reasonable choice – and second, the raspberry flavor. It’s actually mostly freaking pineapple and banana mixed flavoring you’re tasting, did you know that? I just… nope. Not gonna do it. I may eat junk, but I’ve got junk standards, dammit.”

(continued under the cut … //mobile link)

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Blue raspberry = my favorite flavor. This male s/o… just doesn’t know what’s good lol well, except for skeletons… US!Pap is one of my favorite flavored as well.

And can we just admire your way with words? I know we do this often, but it must be done. This line slayed me: “IF YOU DON’T CHOOSE TO SKIN THAT INSOLENT FOOL ALIVE WITH YOUR WORDS, I WILL.”

Is there a prompt in there for a more NSFW time with male readers? If there’s not, I may have to rectify that… lol well j/k but *only* because I’ve already sent more than is appropriate… 😉

Oh jeez, I didn’t actually think I’d win. Okay, uh, if it would be okay, the big four skelebros finding out that their s/o (humanoid) actually had like, huge feathery wings, +they wore a big cloak to hide them? They can fly w/ them, and all that jazz


(i do love that about raffles – chance is a fickle thing, but wonderful at the same time! this is an interesting prompt – i haven’t spent too much time considering the implications of such a person in the undertale/au worlds, so i’ll interpret it as best i can as my mind tends to very naturally consider the implications thereof.)

(in any case, congrats on winning the raffle – i hope you like it! <3)

UT Sans:

You shouldn’t underestimate someone like the classic Sans.

Truth be told, your wings were aching for how long you had been hiding them – nearly two days straight now, without a moment of being able to shake them out of your cloak. Thankfully it had it’s own magical properties that completely sealed in your wings, even for a passing gust of wind that may lift it – but the sensation was pins and needles as time dragged on, and if you could feel every feather in them every one of them would all be aching. But at last, Sans had fallen asleep in the field near on the blanket laid out for you and your friends’ picnic, and the others had disappeared in the forest, looking to play a game or gather wood – or both.

Your shoulders were on fire, your wings just longing to catch an updraft and stretch out, just for a minute, then you would be good to tuck them away again.

… Sans has been a light sleeper for a long time yet, though.

So when he felt the strange hitch in magic near him, even something so low and nearly unnoticeable, it woke him up. He would’ve ignored it… if not for the sudden soft fwump of your unfurled wings catching that first beat of free air.

His eyelights disappeared as he watched you spiral into the sky, effortless and joyfully light in your movements.

Granted, you nearly fell out of the sky when you looked back down and caught him staring at you, but still.

He has so many questions, and while he may wait until a more private time to ask them, you won’t get out of them for long. In the end, he’s intrigued, and once he guarantees all is well, he’ll realize his infatuation has grown only stronger. It won’t be long before you’ll find yourself figuring out how to take him out on flights in secret, both of you feeling the most free you’ve ever been while gliding under the clear night sky.

(the rest of the skelebros under the cut… <3)

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An s/o with wings. This was a hard prompt, total props for pulling it off so beautifully.

I think my favorite line came from UT!Papyrus “the graceful flair of a matador.” I just loved the image.

But my favorite stories were both of your Swapfell bros.

•I loved SF!Sans not being your s/o yet with all your secrets and his knowledge of runes … *fans self* that whole lab scene just got me. Loved it.

•For SF!Paps, I loved that she got to save the day! ^_^ fly away angel!


@trashboomdonger is on a roll. This voice acting is gorgeous.


*laps up his seed* I’m ravenous.

@zaiyofalls You’ve heard this right?