Kofi Dream: Kraken Kin

“I have always been a fan of your works, dear! I am very happy to donate to you! I dream of falling into the bed of a being with tentacles. A gentle, loving monster who is fairly large. I hope this is okay!” – slimberry

More than ok, slim. I love prompts that are open to interpretation! I hope you like what I’ve dreamed up for you.


Water fills your lungs as you sink into an underwater grotto. You gasp for air, but find the need to breathe no longer concerns you.

Are you dead?

This place is surreal. Moonlight shines from the entrance above and glistens on the cave walls, full of runes and other carvings, eroded and covered by algae, that glows a deep magenta hue, now dancing along your skin.

You land on a bed of sea sponge that’s soft and alive. It tickles you. Small fish peak out from within its folds, and you suddenly feel very vulnerable in only your underwear and night shirt…

Night shirt. That’s right, you had fallen asleep, but-

“That was quite an entrance,” a deep voice startles you with a chuckle. You look past the bed to a stone altar on a raised dais. A creature sits atop it. His scales are like obsidian: so black that he blends in with the shadows, but also reflective, capturing the glow from the algae in patterns that swirl along his muscles. His upper half almost looks human, though scaled, gilled, and with eyes that shine like red pearls. When he smiles, his teeth are as sharp as a shark’s – and probably as plentiful. You don’t want to find out.

He swims towards you and you realize his entire lower body is composed of tentacles, like an octopus but double the amount. Each one is as thick or thicker than one of your thighs and easily as long as your entire body. He could crush you, suffocate you, or pull you to pieces.

You scream in a flurry of bubbles and kick off the sponge. You swim for your life. Grabbing at the walls for more speed, you cut your palms and knees on exposed rock, but you make it to the surface… only to find yourself on a small island of rock. You’re surrounded by the calm waves of the sea, but they do nothing to stop the racing pulse of your beating heart.

“It’s a beautiful night,” the creature startles you as he pokes his head above the water near your feet. You jump away to the edge of the rocky mound and nearly slip on the algae that covers much of the wet surface. “You’re quite fast for someone without fins.”

He props himself up on arms and lounges in the water against the rim of the grotto’s entrance. Silence floats between you with the waves splashing onto the rocks. You stare at him. He stares back, but his eyes start tracing the lines of your clothing, tightly soaked around you. Is he gauging your strength? Compared to him you probably don’t stand much of a chance. You wonder how fast he is on land. Bracing yourself for any movement, you try to process the situation.

You can see the outline of a dark mass of land behind him. It’s not too far out in the sea. Maybe you can make it… if you can get past him.

He looks up at the sky. Is this your chance? Before you can act, he says, “The stars are beautiful, but the moon is cold. It’s warmer in the water.”

Is he concerned for you? The wind picks up with his words and chills your exposed legs. You can feel the cuts on your knees and wonder how much you’re bleeding from your failed escape. You’re dripping and fighting the urge to shiver. You don’t want to show too much weakness, but you’re losing the battle as goosebumps raise on your skin. You close your fists and investigate how deeply you’d also cut into your palms.

Is this really a dream? Why is it so detailed? How are you going to get out of this situation? You need more information. “What’s your name?”

“Alemu, my beautiful one,” he gestures for you to come closer. You hesitate in confusion. What did he just call you? You start to reevaluate what’s going on. His glistening body… that come hither look… does he realize you think he’s gorgeous – and terrifying… you can’t forget that… could this be a trap?

You decide to pretend you’re playing along. You tell him your name. He repeats it with the lilt of an accent you can’t place.

“Err- what are you?” You take a hesitant step forward. The algae squishes around your toes and it feels too gushy. You quickly move to a bare spot on the rock, but loose your balance as waves splash the surface. You brace yourself for the fall, but end up hovering over the rock instead. One of Alemu’s tentacles is now suctioned around your waist. It feels strange. Most of the tentacle is soft and gel-like, but the suction cups are quite firm. Where your shirt has ridden up, you can feel its tiny ridges, like feelers, against your skin.

“I think you’ve hurt yourself enough this evening,” he jokes and then answers your question while pulling you in towards him. “I’m Kraken Kin.”

He puts you back into the water. You can’t help but marvel at both his strength and speed. His tentacle releases you with little wet popping sounds. Red circles appear where he was, but they don’t hurt. Though, they are a little itchy from the sudden release of pressure. You trace the edge of one of the circles and then realize he’s just watching you. Pulling down your shirt, you then try to imitate his casual lean on the rock. It is almost like you’re both sitting in a hot tub; though the water is not nearly that warm. It is better than the cool air above.

He looks back up at the sky and, unsure what else you can do at this point, you allow yourself to do the same.

It’s breathtaking.

You never realized there were so many stars in the sky.

"There was a time when my kind would join yours on ships.” He hums like he is remembering those times personally, but you can’t image that time ever actually existed. “Humans would tell us stories by the stars they navigate with, and we would share our tales of the beasts that lie beneath the waves.”

“I… don’t know any stories about the stars. I can’t even find Orion’s Belt in all this.”

"It’s right there,” he points, but you still can’t make the constellation out. He joins your side. Wrapping one arm around your shoulder, he presses his scaled cheek against yours and guides your head to the correct spot. He points with his finger and you follow the angle until you see it. He trails your eyes over the other stars around the belt. “See how his sword hangs in his scabbard and he raises his shield against the charging Taurus.“

His voice is soothing as he continues to share tales of the sky. His chest rises and falls like waves against your back. His strong arms still press against yours… you’d be lying if you say you aren’t enjoying yourself. Now that your initial fear has passed, and it’s clear he’s not going to eat you.

His tentacles begin to drift around your legs, and you realize not all of them are covered in suckers. Some are quiet smooth… and tickling your feet.

"Hey!” you try to jump out of his entangling limbs, but only succeed in turning around in his arms. You blush at how close your faces are.

“Sorry, they’re just so fascinating,” he apologizes, but doesn’t stop his investigation as his tentacles move up your legs. You bite your lower lip to stop from making any embarrassing noises as he caresses your inner thighs. You only stop him when his tips are on the fabric of your panties.

“What are you doing?” you ask, as he pulls you closer. His confident smile tells you he knows exactly what he’s doing.

“Why are you here?” He asks with a far more husky tone than before. His hands tangle in your hair from curiosity and enjoyment.

“I… I think I’m dreaming,” you answer, a bit breathless as another tentacle wraps around your waist again. This time he doesn’t wait for gravity to raise up your shirt; he just slides underneath it.

“Are you now?” He smiles as you allow him to continue. “Do you usually dream of monsters?”

“Not,” you contain a moan as a tentacle explores your hard nipples. “Not this vividly.”

He leans in and whispers, “What if I told you this isn’t just a dream?”

You don’t know what to say. It’s getting harder to think as more of him wraps around you.

“Let me show you where we are,” he plunges you both down into the water and starts pointing to pictures carved into the stone. “This is a sacred place. Millennia ago, the sea had not yet reclaimed it. Your people used to walk from the mainland to this cove and bring a virgin to the altar.”

You’re not a virgin.

“It’s okay. That part was never important to my kind.”

You didn’t say that part out loud.

He laughs… or rather, he’s smiling, but you hear laughter and you continue to hear his voice, “My kind prefer to speak telepathically. There’s much less interference.”

So have all your thoughts…?!

“It’s the most honest form of communication,” he emphasizes his words with a kiss on you cheek. Then his lips hover over your mouth. “Or would you prefer to continue pretending you don’t desire me?”

This seems a bit unfair. He knows everything you’re feeling but…

Your eyes widen as a tentacles pull apart your clothes. One tentatively rubs your clit while another plays at the entrance between your thighs. “I summoned you, a woman who can open her heart to a monster.”

… and open her legs… you aren’t putting up a decent fight…

“The magic of this cave keeps you safe from harm.”

That’s why you can still breathe…

“It heals you.”

Your hands and knees do feel better already…

“It increases your fertility.”

Hold up.

You’re trying to reason while pleasure overtakes you.

“Do you want me to stop?”

By the gods, no. But…

“You’ve been chosen by the Moon Herself to be my mate. She’s found me worthy as a lover to one of Her beloved children.”

His tentacles pulse around you. “Let me spend the rest of your life span proving my worth.”

His hands cup your face. “Under Her Light, I dedicate myself to you. By Her Magic, I ask you to be my mate. And with this union, continue the line of my kin. They will call you Mother and the sea will bow to the children you bear.”

Is this real? You think of every moment in your life up to this point and find yourself looking up to the night sky above. The moon is full and… happy. You can see her smiling down on you both. You’ve never seen a woman so beautiful and so… sincere. She’s asking you to trust her.

You look from her to the eyes of your would be lover. The moon reflects in his crimson view. His body encircles you like a hug, paused and waiting for your answer.

A leap of faith. A new life. A new beginning.

“Yes,” you say it clearly in your mind as you shed your old life within the warm embrace of a fantasy come to life.

He claims your lips in joy and spreads your legs. His tongue dances with yours as a much longer appendage travels from where it hung at your knee to your open hole.

By the Moon, you lose yourself in the stimulation of all his limbs on your breasts… stomach… hips… thighs… clit…

Oh how he moves! You cling to the scales on his back as he tenses in pleasure inside you.

“You’re so perfect,” he says with his entire body. He pulls out and then pushes himself a little further. You feel his tip against your cervix, but there’s only pleasure as he delves deeper.

He breaks your kids to look up at the moon in praise as he thrusts harder. You moan in bubbles that rise up to the surface you’ve now abandoned.

You pull him against you as you cum again and again. Each time he fills more of you with his limb, now breaching your womb.

You’re starting to yearn for his release. You want his seed, but you don’t want the pleasure to end…

… and it doesn’t.

In the water you are endlessly slick. He keeps you enraptured and shaking. Every orgasm he breaches further within you, and you wonder how far he can keep going.

Then an orgasm comes like a tidal wave and you feel him thrust with a length that must be collecting eggs from inside and bringing them to your womb.

“By the Moon!” He yells as he cums, shaking violently within you from the pressure. His tentacles squeeze around you. He sighs in the release, like a hose. You see spray rise between you… it goes on for minutes. He keeps you cuddled within him and kisses you with tenderness.

Exhausted, you both drift to the sea sponge bed and fall asleep entangled together with his length still resting within you. Turning your eggs in his sperm.

Then you wake, soaked, in your own bed. In disbelief you stare are the familiar walls of your room.

It was just a dream…

You walk to the window, look up at the moon, and make plans to visit the sea…


Would you like to request a dream? Check out my Dreams to Sell post.