350 Smut Submission: Swapfell Show of Breeding and Possession

I almost forgot about this idea I had when you started the game! Ok so swapfell sans and paps have recently caught a human but have fallen head over heels for them and hence have been hiding them away and trying to cover everything up so that they can keep her. However word still reaches the queen resulting in a surprise vist to snowdin. She demands they bring out the human or sans will be killed for insubordination. Sans tries to hold his ground but pap knows the jig is up and brings out the human hoping they can make up an excuse to keep her alive. It seems hopeless and they will have to watch their love die when sans comes up with an idea. They have been keeping her alive so as to breed her. As children would equal more souls. Queen is skeptic and tell them to prove it. Leading to public claiming and sex. Breeding kink, Biting/physical mark, threesome (or just on skele if you prefer). Have to be rough and degrading even if they don’t want to. Bonus points for girl being virgin (or skele or both), bonus if dirty talk, bonus for forced soul bond or something like that (I headcannon monster gotta have souls involved somehow to procreate)


I’d start this fic with the Queen addressing the Snowdin crowd. MTT cameras circling. The human is in stocks, naked, shivering, blindfolded and ball gagged so she won’t interrupt.

Then you’d have our two skeles… obedient, excited, reluctant, determined. They’re ready for their own humiliation of fucking their love, knowing if it’s not them, it would be some other monsters.

They’ll put on the show of their lives… literally. With dirty talk, crowd cheers, soul sex, breeding, and a lot of territorial markings.

The Skeletons and the NOT Pot Dealer

I only just started reading this one, but it’s a fun one. @nihilismpastry always has great characterization and interesting reader characters.

The Skeletons and the NOT Pot Dealer


“I might even consider buying you a reward.”

“Can you get cleats on your boots?”

“You just lost your reward.”

this turned out pretty good for something i again just kind of bullshited as i went along. plus its fun to do sadist/masochist stuff, even if its light, i just like the relationship dynamic. 

pap took off his jacket because he was hot and i didn’t want it blocking my shots

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second part to the bondage pic but just reposting it is easier than posting links

is it obvious i had no idea what i was doing this whole piece? ah well, look swapfell muffet!

…. she looks suspiciously like nepeta

like my work?  Consider a commission or buying me a cup

This is my favorite scenario with rope play. Wearing it in public while your dom watches your every movement and thinks about what you’re hiding under your clothes…


For my dear @xladymalice 

I just want to tell you that you are awesome, and that everytime I see your work I feel in love again with the swapfell brothers ❤ you are a beautiful person and a really amazing artist, thank you for your beautiful art ❤

*shiny* This art is amazing! If you’re not following @tatsublood, you should be.

Oh jeez, I didn’t actually think I’d win. Okay, uh, if it would be okay, the big four skelebros finding out that their s/o (humanoid) actually had like, huge feathery wings, +they wore a big cloak to hide them? They can fly w/ them, and all that jazz


(i do love that about raffles – chance is a fickle thing, but wonderful at the same time! this is an interesting prompt – i haven’t spent too much time considering the implications of such a person in the undertale/au worlds, so i’ll interpret it as best i can as my mind tends to very naturally consider the implications thereof.)

(in any case, congrats on winning the raffle – i hope you like it! <3)

UT Sans:

You shouldn’t underestimate someone like the classic Sans.

Truth be told, your wings were aching for how long you had been hiding them – nearly two days straight now, without a moment of being able to shake them out of your cloak. Thankfully it had it’s own magical properties that completely sealed in your wings, even for a passing gust of wind that may lift it – but the sensation was pins and needles as time dragged on, and if you could feel every feather in them every one of them would all be aching. But at last, Sans had fallen asleep in the field near on the blanket laid out for you and your friends’ picnic, and the others had disappeared in the forest, looking to play a game or gather wood – or both.

Your shoulders were on fire, your wings just longing to catch an updraft and stretch out, just for a minute, then you would be good to tuck them away again.

… Sans has been a light sleeper for a long time yet, though.

So when he felt the strange hitch in magic near him, even something so low and nearly unnoticeable, it woke him up. He would’ve ignored it… if not for the sudden soft fwump of your unfurled wings catching that first beat of free air.

His eyelights disappeared as he watched you spiral into the sky, effortless and joyfully light in your movements.

Granted, you nearly fell out of the sky when you looked back down and caught him staring at you, but still.

He has so many questions, and while he may wait until a more private time to ask them, you won’t get out of them for long. In the end, he’s intrigued, and once he guarantees all is well, he’ll realize his infatuation has grown only stronger. It won’t be long before you’ll find yourself figuring out how to take him out on flights in secret, both of you feeling the most free you’ve ever been while gliding under the clear night sky.

(the rest of the skelebros under the cut… <3)

Keep reading

An s/o with wings. This was a hard prompt, total props for pulling it off so beautifully.

I think my favorite line came from UT!Papyrus “the graceful flair of a matador.” I just loved the image.

But my favorite stories were both of your Swapfell bros.

•I loved SF!Sans not being your s/o yet with all your secrets and his knowledge of runes … *fans self* that whole lab scene just got me. Loved it.

•For SF!Paps, I loved that she got to save the day! ^_^ fly away angel!