
what happens when you try to leave snowdin wearing a stolen sweater 😦

I keep looking at this. Are my eyes scanning his height? That stance? So causal and yet there’s strength etched into the taunt lines of bone… and the action of the pose… he’s fast.

Then my eyes travel along the curve of his spinal column… and his expression – one bone brow arched, teasing and daring her to move another inch.

Well my eyes are inching along that low waist line… and what is it about smoke? The curling tendrils? The smell you can’t escape, surrounding you…

For the 350 thing – Do you read Tyranttortoise’s Skeleton Squatters and the Landlady? Because lately I would be totally down for having Edge and Mutt (SF!Paps) at the same time, lol. Both boys are usually portrayed as dom, but I honestly think Mutt would be more switch and I would LOVE to see Edge sub as someone spoils HIM for once XD I don’t know WHAT scenario would get the two of them into a devil’s three-way, but I think it would be very tantalizing to everyone involved (& a delight to read!)

Oh I couldn’t touch @tyranttortoise ‘s SSLL- that’s like an Undertale Classic Fic. Meaning everyone should read it if they haven’t. There’s so many variations out there, too. I know @nihilismpastry did the “NOT a Pot Dealer” and @nighttimepixels has the lady skeletons. I’m sure there’s more out there…

In truth, I’m not sure how I’d spin Edge and Mutt from specifically SSLL into this angle. I’d ask Tyrant for that. It’s truly too intimidating ^_^

Though an Edge x Reader x Mutt on it’s own without trying to fit in the SSLL backstory… I can definitely get into creating that devil’s three way. I think for an Edge sub I’d play it as Edge x Reader with Mutt visiting for Midsummer’s Festival or something. Mutt came for Edge, but didn’t realize he already had a mate… then he finds Reader just as interesting and decides to Dom you both. Your job would of course be to please and act as a reward.

350 Smut Submission: Swapfell Show of Breeding and Possession

I almost forgot about this idea I had when you started the game! Ok so swapfell sans and paps have recently caught a human but have fallen head over heels for them and hence have been hiding them away and trying to cover everything up so that they can keep her. However word still reaches the queen resulting in a surprise vist to snowdin. She demands they bring out the human or sans will be killed for insubordination. Sans tries to hold his ground but pap knows the jig is up and brings out the human hoping they can make up an excuse to keep her alive. It seems hopeless and they will have to watch their love die when sans comes up with an idea. They have been keeping her alive so as to breed her. As children would equal more souls. Queen is skeptic and tell them to prove it. Leading to public claiming and sex. Breeding kink, Biting/physical mark, threesome (or just on skele if you prefer). Have to be rough and degrading even if they don’t want to. Bonus points for girl being virgin (or skele or both), bonus if dirty talk, bonus for forced soul bond or something like that (I headcannon monster gotta have souls involved somehow to procreate)


I’d start this fic with the Queen addressing the Snowdin crowd. MTT cameras circling. The human is in stocks, naked, shivering, blindfolded and ball gagged so she won’t interrupt.

Then you’d have our two skeles… obedient, excited, reluctant, determined. They’re ready for their own humiliation of fucking their love, knowing if it’s not them, it would be some other monsters.

They’ll put on the show of their lives… literally. With dirty talk, crowd cheers, soul sex, breeding, and a lot of territorial markings.

The Skeletons and the NOT Pot Dealer

I only just started reading this one, but it’s a fun one. @nihilismpastry always has great characterization and interesting reader characters.

The Skeletons and the NOT Pot Dealer

Could you write a scenario about SF Papyrus smothering his sad S/O in affection.


(i’ve been gone for far longer than i ever wanted or could be happy about, but i hope this little prompt for my return is comforting in some way.

He found you on the roof.

It was your favorite hideaway – you always felt it seemed too dramatic, even for only being the second story. But with easy enough access from your bedroom window, and the privacy afforded by it being on the rear half of the house, sometimes you couldn’t resist. Sometimes the world just felt like it was smothering you, and the open night sky that stretched above you when you laid on your back up there eased a little of the twisting tension in your chest.

“huh. guess the weatherman was wrong after all.”

You jolted up slightly at Russ’ voice rumbling behind you. With twist of your body and a messy shake of your hair, you were looking up into the soft yet too-sharp eyelights of your boyfriend – bonefriend, bonebae, any number of names fit the bill, really – with an attempt of a playful glare falling woefully short. You let your expression fall into one of waiting curiousity, knowing that the punchline was-

“might have a bone t’ pick with him. said that it’d be clear, but it’s looking a little cloudy right here over my sweetheart.”

A half-laugh turned flustered intake of air brought a ghost of a smile to your face at last. His grin pulled pleased as he dropped to sit behind you, his hands untucking from his pockets to pull your back to his chest, and you fell into his embrace with quiet relief, even if his arrival and sweet jokes had not been able to wash you free of whatever this was hanging heavy in you.

… Even with his presence, quiet and sturdy behind you, the tension was growing again in your chest. It was brewing hot and prickly and rising more and more. Trying to choke it back down with a clenched jaw, your eyes screwed shut, the distant stars far away too clouded by a burning wetness that gathered in your eyes.

Russ’ arms tightened around you. His chin rested on top of your head, and you felt a gentle rumbling through his chest as he pulled you closer against him. He was humming a soft, low tune, a lullaby that you had heard him humming before, almost too sad to be calming but more lovely for it. In his voice it sounded like the ancient song of a sailor looking to the too-distant sea, a promise of tales older than memory finding it’s winding way to you, down to your soul.

The tears rolled down your face now. Your hands clutched at his arms as you shook, crying quietly.

“deep under the mountain cold,
the rivers wind with tales of old
the distant fire sweeps
calling souls to core
to find their heart’s stronghold…”

His hands slipped along your arms, and with little effort he lifted you until you sat fully in his lap, your head finding its place easily in the crook of his neck as your arms circled around him under his jacket. His head nestled close to yours in turn, and you found your lungs once more as you inhaled his soft scent of clove cigarettes and whiskey and pine and maple syrup. One of his hands slipped through your hair, a soothing presence that massaged steady silent promises against your aching head. His other arm circled you, holding you closer yet, grounding you in your tears and wild sea of broken-through emotions as he continued singing to you.

“the ground shakes yet far above,
ancient water tortured fond of.
we wait deep below
fallen but yet ‘live,
greater called in sought of love.”

Your breathing slowed as he hummed onwards, the ache in your chest soothed at the gravel-soft slip of his voice. Shaky, too soft for anyone not as close as he was to hear, you began to hum along with him.

His hand stilled in your hair, but his voice didn’t waver.

His mouth pressed against your forehead as he tilted his face to press against you, the strength of his voice buzzing soft against your skin, and you felt as if his magic was wrapping around you just in the way his voice rumbled through his chest and against you pressed against him. Something in the haunting and bittersweet tune of the song, hummed with him, was relieving… a lot of it. It hurt, stars did it hurt, but…

“… you’ve always been a fighter,” his voice came then, his humming soft, but his teeth still pressed to your forehead. You stopped humming too, pressing just a bit closer to him. A pleased sound rumbled in him for a moment, almost too quiet to hear. “… not in… the usual way. in the quiet way. you always… persevere. sweet, and ready, and bearing too much, as always,” he murmured. His hand lifting to your chin gently lifted your gaze to his.

It was intense, and admiring… and deep within it, you almost caught… anger. Not at you – you knew him too well to think that.

“It’s not… it’s fine,” you said quietly, wincing internally at the cliche line even as his expression shifted. “That is… it will be fine, I mean…”

“it will. but that doesn’t mean it can’t feel like too much in the meantime, darlin’.”

Your breath caught in your throat as you felt the tears catch at your eyes again.

Russ’ thumb brushed away the tears at one eye, letting his words settle in you, an all-too-knowing look to the shine of his eyelights.

You hugged him harder and closed the last of the distance between you, pressing your lips to his mouth despite your fresh tears.

“Thank you,” you murmured, not willing to break the kiss to say it. You angled slightly, pulling him closer.

His hand swept along your jaw gently, returning your kiss tenfold and anchoring you in the thrum of his protective magic ghosting over his bones and echoing deep within his chest, his soul calling to yours in comfort and love.

How long as this been posted and I missed it? And yet… this is exactly when I needed to read it. Perseverance souls always speak to me the most and Paps words… *melts into a pile of goo*

I need to write something sweet now too… Toritale, yeah. Let’s see if I can pull that off today. Sweet and sexy….

Thanks for the inspiration Night 😉