Submission: Claimed By The Sea

A treat for an old frendo, from zaiyofalls:

The sea air was crisp, the storms had narrowly missed us. The ship was safe, but there was a feeling of dread washing over me. I don’t know if anyone else felt it. I’d been on edge for days, and taken to waiting on the deck of the ship while everyone else was eating or sleeping. The sound of the water, the whispering creak of the ship, the wind…

Perhaps I didn’t notice because I was trying too hard to. Maybe I was looking for the wrong thing. But it’d been a while since I’d felt touch like that. It was sudden, and wet, and warm. The feeling of it disregarded my clothes. And i was paralyzed, helpless, as the touches washed over me like the sea.

I wish I could say I struggled, but I couldn’t. I’d given myself to the sea years ago. This felt like coming home. The dread that had been drowning me was fading away under the pressure of touches i couldn’t fathom. I couldn’t see it. I could only feel. I went to my knees on the deck, struggling to breathe. I didn’t know what was touching me, but i needed it. I craved the relief from tension.

I hoped no one could hear me, in the dead of night, out on the deck, being claimed by my birthright, the magic of the sea. Feeling the power build inside me, until it burst. I felt it assimilate, felt my body stretch. My clothes tore, and it felt divine. Now it was so much more intense. My screams were inhuman, my voice darker, ethereal. I was part of it. It was part of me. I could feel others like me deep in the ocean, calling me home to them.

I hesitated for a moment, but the dread resurged at the notion of staying. I let myself plunge into the black waters, felt joy so intense that it felt like pleasure. It felt like being welcomed home.

(Open to interpretation or continuation, i just wanted to do a writing exercise and this popped into my head. I still love pirates way too much.)


what happens when you try to leave snowdin wearing a stolen sweater 😦

I keep looking at this. Are my eyes scanning his height? That stance? So causal and yet there’s strength etched into the taunt lines of bone… and the action of the pose… he’s fast.

Then my eyes travel along the curve of his spinal column… and his expression – one bone brow arched, teasing and daring her to move another inch.

Well my eyes are inching along that low waist line… and what is it about smoke? The curling tendrils? The smell you can’t escape, surrounding you…



Artistic prosthetics

Yeah this is cool but how about a source? Every single one of these beautiful prosthetics is from The Alternative Limb Project which is run by Sophie de Oliveira Barata. She has made other incredible limbs as well. Check them out here!

The models are

  1. Viktoria Modesta with her Crystal leg
  2. Ryan Seary with his Anatomical leg
  3. Jo-Jo Cranfield with her Snake arm
  4. Viktoria Modesta, again, with her Stereo leg
  5. Kiera Roche with her Floral Porcelain Leg

The Anatomical Leg made me sweat… I’ve been in this community for too long. I’m so utterly attracted to that leg.


The amazing digital art of

Adam Schumpert

I have to reblog this for the top picture alone… that mermaid (merqueen? Merwoman?) is gorgeous af. Power pose with golden eggs around her and her mate.

And then that dragonrider…

And then my heart stopped for the ghost trying to protect the living.

Every image is literally saying a thousand words with the detail and thought put into it.