
My Pleasure ch 1


Bad soulmate AU inspired by @darkcrystaldemon and @nihilismpastry

That moment when I take a break from writing my Fucked Up Soulmate AU to read the beginning of a comic in the same genre.

Super excited to see where this comic goes. I love that we all have different ideas of how this would go down.

Great art. I love her design.


Here is the cover of the first part of my new comic thing for the bad soulmate AU that @darkcrystaldemon and @nihilismpastry just fed into my brain. but to be fair it was an anon who sent it to darkcrystaldemon so I guess its all their fault

Chapters will be short 4 pgs and no real warnings for this one. I will be putting warnings on covers so don’t worry, the later chapters there will always be warnings and tags. For now, let’s just enjoy the quiet while we can.

I am so excited for this. 💜

Hi it’s the anon who submitted the horror sans soul mate thing, I have read all of the reblongs and comments and I must say I’m both happy and a bit frightened. Y’all went dark fast with that, I can get how you would the story’s kinda messed up as it is but you all just took that and jumped straight down into hell with that. I made the submission so it could go either way, dark or somehow end up lighter. I noticed you did a bit of both and wanted you to be able to write what you wanted (part 1).

Part 1 Arrived!

Yeah, we did take horrortale straight to Hell… created a whole new fucked up soulmate AU and I’m pretty sure there’s no coming back from it. @nihilismpastry’s already started a fic, and its festering in @plsdontkinkshameme’s mind.

If – when – I write it, I’m going to need take a shower afterwards and only write fluff for like a month to try and balance it out. But that’s okay cause people keep wanting Toritale updates and that story always leaves warm fuzzies within me when I write it.

I hope more people submit to the 350 game before April 15. This has been so much fun.

I dunno what to really do as an actual thing for it, but I am amused enough at the idea to send it in for people to build on 💖 Has anyone combined Mafia and Horror together? They would do their own cleanup~ the hitmen provide more than just cash for the rest, they bring in the meals for the others… Best of the best- nothing is wasted or left behind… What would happen if they were stuck with someone that *can’t* be allowed on the chopping block? ( Well, not much of them anyways~ )

The words “nothing is wasted or left behind” have so many horrifying connotations that you’ve sparked my interest.

Maybe it’s just my mood tonight, but it would be interesting if they’re meant to kill a guy who double crossed the mafia, but when they get there, it’s just his daughter back in town on a surprise visit… and she’s got a brilliant soul. Instead of killing her, they decide to keep her to sell on the market, but she’s feisty, smart, and has her own secrets that will make her harder to sell.

I could see this with the skeles… but Grillby, Muffet, or any other characters would be just if not more fun…

How about some horror sans where they make it to the surface and somehow get the same rights as humans and sans somehow stumbles upon his soul mate and goes a bit yander stealing them and forcing himself on them the soul mate is confused since they for some reason (thanks to the soul bond thing) like sans but are not ok with the kidnapping or what was basically rape









First 350 Smut Game Submission and… Oh shit, Anon.
1) You get 5 points for submitting this in literally less than 5 min of me posting this game.
2) I fucking love this on so many levels – dub con, soul mates, horror.

Please make this dark as hell if written



Dammit, ya’ll are terrible influences. Do you know how many fics I have in my docs and AO3? 

Seriously though, you could add onto the fact that humans were trying to ‘humanize’ Monsters. That it became perfectly acceptable to bring a Monster into your home, and basically teach them human traditions and try to keep them from their own traditions. (Basically, the shit that the Australians did to the Aborigines until relatively recently.)

It would breed resentment from our resident skeleton, and so when the victim says ‘You can’t do this’ he could take it more like trying to brainwash him instead of ACTUAL morals that are kinda right. 

try Crave by @sonamyluffer1011

it doesn’t have the cultural brainwashing stuff but everything else is there and they’re also a precious bean


I’ve been obsessing over this story! While it is very sweet, and something to give me my fluffs, it’s not exactly the horror that I tend to look for with the ‘fucked up soulmate AU’. 

Yes, it has a name now. 

It also has a google doc. 

Someone save me. 

I go to feed my baby. I come back and this story idea has taken on a life of its own. Lol

@nihilismpastry I love that this is inspiring a fic. If this wins I may have to make two versions: dub con, slightly sweet soul mate like the op wanted and then my own version of this new “fucked up soul mate horror AU” that’s going to be a thing. Lol.

Also, I’m definitely going to check out Crave. Thank you for the rec @dignis-sin-bar.


I hope it wins! As much as I like writing, I love reading other people’s stuff more. 

Take this. 

@darkcrystaldemon @plsdontkinkshameme

It’s an abomination to man…

@nihilismpastry you are ridiculous. I love you. And I want more.

How about some horror sans where they make it to the surface and somehow get the same rights as humans and sans somehow stumbles upon his soul mate and goes a bit yander stealing them and forcing himself on them the soul mate is confused since they for some reason (thanks to the soul bond thing) like sans but are not ok with the kidnapping or what was basically rape






First 350 Smut Game Submission and… Oh shit, Anon.
1) You get 5 points for submitting this in literally less than 5 min of me posting this game.
2) I fucking love this on so many levels – dub con, soul mates, horror.

Please make this dark as hell if written



Dammit, ya’ll are terrible influences. Do you know how many fics I have in my docs and AO3? 

Seriously though, you could add onto the fact that humans were trying to ‘humanize’ Monsters. That it became perfectly acceptable to bring a Monster into your home, and basically teach them human traditions and try to keep them from their own traditions. (Basically, the shit that the Australians did to the Aborigines until relatively recently.)

It would breed resentment from our resident skeleton, and so when the victim says ‘You can’t do this’ he could take it more like trying to brainwash him instead of ACTUAL morals that are kinda right. 

try Crave by @sonamyluffer1011

it doesn’t have the cultural brainwashing stuff but everything else is there and they’re also a precious bean


I’ve been obsessing over this story! While it is very sweet, and something to give me my fluffs, it’s not exactly the horror that I tend to look for with the ‘fucked up soulmate AU’. 

Yes, it has a name now. 

It also has a google doc. 

Someone save me. 

I go to feed my baby. I come back and this story idea has taken on a life of its own. Lol

@nihilismpastry I love that this is inspiring a fic. If this wins I may have to make two versions: dub con, slightly sweet soul mate like the op wanted and then my own version of this new “fucked up soul mate horror AU” that’s going to be a thing. Lol.

Also, I’m definitely going to check out Crave. Thank you for the rec @dignis-sin-bar.

How about some horror sans where they make it to the surface and somehow get the same rights as humans and sans somehow stumbles upon his soul mate and goes a bit yander stealing them and forcing himself on them the soul mate is confused since they for some reason (thanks to the soul bond thing) like sans but are not ok with the kidnapping or what was basically rape





First 350 Smut Game Submission and… Oh shit, Anon.
1) You get 5 points for submitting this in literally less than 5 min of me posting this game.
2) I fucking love this on so many levels – dub con, soul mates, horror.

Have I mentioned how much I like horror sans? And soulmates? (I know I have mentioned the soul mates thing a few times).

What few times I have seen horrortale sans and he goes yandere he puts them into the shed, since their above ground I wonder if he will use the shed again, make use of the basement if there is one or use his room instead?

A horrortale above ground… could be fun to have them take over the slums. Make it one of those cities where the city has literally grown on top of the abandoned parts rather than fix them. Keeping them essentially underground but it would be their own horror town for those who decided to reside there. They’d have so much space… Sans could own his own abandoned building with his brother. Multiple rooms for labs, collections… molded into a horrific maze of deadly puzzles… Could be fun.

Ah shit, ya’ll sitting there and feeding my obsession. 

Most slums the police aren’t even prone to exploring, and I imagine this is twice as bad for a Monster slum. The only people who venture in are the drug dealers and the hookers who’re desperate for cash. Both aren’t gonna listen to the helpless screams of his soulmate, and none will be missed when they become experiments to try and extend a human’s life. 

No one is allowed to take his most precious person away, not themselves, and not the grim reaper. 

They’re his

@nihilismpastry you always make things better. 💜 We night have gotten darker than the op intended ^_^ Then again… maybe not.