Power Given. Power Taken.

(Inspired by the artwork in this post)

There’s a demon sitting in the middle of the city, but no one stops to stare. Do they not see this behemoth? Twice the size of any man, he towers over the night rush after work. His dark, reflective eyes look through each passerby, but they do not return the glance. They cannot. They are blind to his fearsome form. The closest anyone comes to recognition is within a shiver as they pass by. Their aura sensitive enough to signal his presence with raised skin in fright. And they should be afraid. He looks hungry.


But after hours, he remains on his perch like an awesome marble statue from ancient times. His chiseled, muscular body is displayed nude, leaving nothing to your imagination except his motive…

… and his voice. But that mystery disappears as his haunted gaze finally falls on your hiding spot. He opens his mouth and speaks in a tone so low that it pulls your spirit down into the depths of Hell just to hear it. Sulfur fills the air from his breath as he addresses you, “How long will you stare at me from the shadows, child?

For to one as old as he, you are a child. And you feel like one, guiltily stepping into the street light before a God of Darkness. You know he can see you just fine where you stood, but you feel compelled to come closer.

He licks his lips in a dangerous smile, revealing fangs that could tear you to pieces. He adjusts his stance, spreading his legs with a ponderous fist against his thigh the size of your torso. You dare not look down at his dark display below his waist; so you look to his side. His other claw clutches the rail with a clenched tension that warns he’s holding himself back. Like a hound tied to a tether about to snap, he growls in warning as you take another step closer without answering him.

You can’t. You’ve lost your ability to speak. Your throat is dry and lungs burn from ash that’s floating in the air around him. You should run, but you can’t stop yourself from continuing to move towards him. He stretches his wings at your approach. Darkness billows from them in smoky clouds that shroud the night scene until no one else exists around you.

You’ve stepped into an alternate plane, overlapping with your own in an intersection of time that shouldn’t exist outside of faery tales and nightmares.

Speak,” he commands.

You choke as you respond, “I don’t know what to say.”

Nor do you know what do. You’re now inches from his knee.

What do you desire?” You’re nearly eye level with his crotch, and his question catches you off guard. You try not to let your gaze wonder that low, but your eyes betray you in their own curiosity…

He is quite unashamedly erect. You gasp, taking a step back from his monstrous need. He laughs, and the thunderous sound shakes the ground beneath you. “You are a dishonest species, lying even to yourself.

“I…” still don’t know what to say.

Is it so difficult? To say what you think?

“Yes,” you almost forget his size and status as his taunting question teases out a dormant desire within you: honesty. “A person is judged for every word they say.”

And you are tired of being judged.” It isn’t a question.

“Yes!” The truth of it pulses through your veins and you touch his massive knee with a small slap in affirmation. He grunts and you blush while lightly petting his rough skin in apology. He lets you and doesn’t stop your fingers from lingering on the texture of a body calloused by a thousand scars all healed with imperfect grace. “Why are you here?”

To find you,” his claw tips your chin, leading your eyes up his battle worn body to his piercing gaze. You feel possessed as his eyes lock with yours. His hand trails down your body, reacting sinfully to his touch. “And make you mine.

You gulp as your heart skips a beat and then another. You resist to urge to refuse his words because… because it wouldn’t be true. You’ve spent your life denying yourself – shaming yourself – and for what purpose? To whose will are you bending? And why not bend to your own?

You let your gaze fall on his rigid member, and this time you don’t force yourself to look away. Instead you admire his thick, glistening head. The girth of your fist and vined with throbbing veins, it beckons you, “Touch it.”

You obey with pleasure. The heat from his skin warms your hands as his own cut away your clothes, leaving you bare to the world.

You’re beautiful,” he admires with a untempered growl. His desire beads in forbidden droplets that pool and slide down his cock. Then onto your hands.

You don’t wait for his command as you kiss his shaft. Tongue gliding over the salty streams of his cum, you delight in his essence burning down your throat like a shot of bourbon. It warms your stomach and sets your skin on fire. It’s addictive, and you consume more of him. Greedily sucking on his cock with lips unable to stretch wide enough to take his whole head in.

Yes. Drink,” he hisses, gushing into your mouth and over your body. Endless waves of his seed bathe you in precum as he rises taunter towards orgasm.

You feel powerful. Rubbing your breasts against his slick shaft and watching this massive beast cave and shake under you. Loosing his ability to form words, he howls into the night. His claws cut into your waist and shoulder. Your blood mixes with his precum as it runs down your body. You don’t care. The pain only fuels your thirst.

He roars as he edges closer to release, but he lets you remain in control. You’re dripping with him and yourself. His ragged breathing fills your ears. His taste fills your mouth as he cums with a force that chokes you. Sputtering in surprise, you close your eyes as your entire face is anointed in thick ropes of cum. It pools at your feet in a sticky puddle.

You’re proud. You’re full. And… you’re still very horny. He stretches in a satisfied sigh. “You are ready.

He releases the railing and stands at his full height before you. With one clawed finger, he scoops a stream of his cum trailing down your stomach, and then plunges it between your legs in a swift thrust that leaves you breathless. One of his fingers is more than enough to fill you. He guides you down into the pool of his semen as you spread your legs wider. You’d worry about the thick mess beneath you, but your focus is on the beast now kneeling above you.

Lubricated by his cum, his finger continues to thrust within you. The tip of his nail pierces your cervix like a shot that you soon grow accustomed to as he finds your rhythm. Curling his finger, he elicits your moans.

His thumb rubs your clit and you loose yourself in pleasure. He enjoys your lustful shakes as he edges you closer. He stops moving as you almost cum. You squirm, beg, and pull him closer. He enjoys the show and rewards you with more pleasure.

But he continues to stop each time you get close. He likes you begging… demanding… lusting. His patience seems endless and your pleasure intensifies with each new round. You reach levels of joy you’d never known were possible as the dark world dissolves into a vortex of shadow.

Your eyes focus on his face… his smile… his lips claim yours in an unholy kiss as you’re finally allowed to cum against him.

You wrap your body around him. Shaking in ecstasy, you praise his name.

Now you are mine.


Now that I’ve settled in for the night, warm chamomile in my hand, I’ll share a dream I had about a “Someone” who also wanted to comfort me last evening.

In my dream I was staring out the window. Waiting for the impending storm, I couldn’t take my eyes away. I didn’t hear him come up behind me. I didn’t hear him call my name.

Frustrated, he picks me up bridal style from my window perch. He’s got a lean build, but his muscles ripple along his bare arms. His bare chest pressed against the fabric of my own. He was so… solid. It surprised me because I knew him, but only as a shadow…

Keep reading

So a follower recently liked this and I… don’t remember writing it. I mean, obviously I did, but truly the only part I remember creating is the chant “The woman comes, squeezing her mate and opening her womb to him.”

– I kinda dig the memory loss. This was fun to read and not know what came (pun intended) next. Still, I wrote this less than a year ago… how much has pregnancy and motherhood effected my brain? Or is it just age? 31 doesn’t seem that old now that I’m in it, but damn…

I at first thought the pic of that bed was supposed to be a bed and a crib underneath lol. That isn’t so safe. I quickly realized what it was, which made me laugh.

^_^ it was advertised as having a kennel underneath with a very modernized frame. I remember looking at the “kennel” first and saying “Oh that’s nice.” And then as my eyes gradually rose up I thought, “I have such a dirty mind about the way those loops above the bed should be used… oh wait, look at the base of the bed. That’s… oh yes… oh my… I have the exactly right mind of a person who should own this bed and then be forced to sleep under it ^_^”

@charmingcreep mentioned in a note about what if a demon were to spawn under this and then realize they’re trapped… I’d say they’d soon realize they were trapped with me. They’d ask for the key and I’d tell them they’d have to earn it.


“This shouldn’t be happening”

But you spread your legs and let him in anyway. How can you say no? You summoned him with your own need. You’re wet and ready for him to slide his large cock inside… as he fills every part of you, you think “How can this be wrong?” It feels too good and you push your body back to press your ass against his hard body and thrust him even deeper inside you.

Why I Write…

I write because a demon crawls under my sheets and pushes away my panties with their tongue. They relentlessly lick every inch between my legs until I pick up my phone and start typing their desires.

They love to hear themselves through the text. They demand I read to them while they enter me. They tire of one position and decide they must have me in several – but I can’t stop typing.

My phone glows in my hands as I hang off the edge of the bed, their claws holding my waist, not letting me fall as they thrust themselves deep inside me. They like the way my breasts bounce in the mobile light…

But they’ll turn me around and slap my ass without abandon.

They like to hear me moan. They like to punish me when writer’s block occurs. Depending on their mood, they’ll twist my nipples or slide a knife across my skin. They’ll suck my breasts, demanding milk, or slurp between my legs as I squirt in orgasm from their skillful hands.

I feed them and they feed me inspiration – a dark, demanding muse who desires only satisfaction and pleasure from each night.

And if I don’t oblige, they’ll tease me, bring me to the edge and leave me there. They’ll fill my mind with incomplete rendezvous, infuriating interruptions, and flickering memories of intense passion that can only be recaptured if I do as they ask…

I write because I am a slave to it. A willing captive and champion of relieving lonely nights with intimate fantasies.



A/N: Look, another original work. This was heavily inspired by @darkcrystaldemon . I heavily suggest you check out her work, it’s dark and mysterious. 

Creature Type: Nightmare/Emotional Vampire

Reader Type: Female

Kinks: Tentacles, Double penetration, nipple play.

The monstrosity flitted on the edge between your dreams and your wakefulness. It didn’t have a face, nor a body to call its own. It was a sea of darkness, and warmth, and something else that you couldn’t describe. When you pressed your lips to its featureless face, it left a tangy spark on your tongue that would have you licking your lips, fighting to remember the unique taste all throughout the waking hours. Its touch was gentle, yet it could leave bruises and scratches, marks that claimed you, and proof that your encounter was real once the sun rose.

By most definitions, you guessed it was a demon. A monstrosity that was once an angel, now banished because it picked the wrong side during a time of conflict. And yet your grandmother, during her rare sober moments, kindly informed you that demons were darkness and evil. Beings that brought down sulfur and brimstone on your head, and would damn your soul once you tripped far enough away from the line of ‘holiness’.

But was this monster evil?

Keep reading

Oh what a wonderful thing to inspire.

I like that reader thinks she’s special. I imagine the shadow counting down her days. Her strong spirit has continuously replenished what she loses every night… but always just a fraction less.

But what a way to go… ^_~

Now that I’ve settled in for the night, warm chamomile in my hand, I’ll share a dream I had about a “Someone” who also wanted to comfort me last evening.

In my dream I was staring out the window. Waiting for the impending storm, I couldn’t take my eyes away. I didn’t hear him come up behind me. I didn’t hear him call my name.

Frustrated, he picks me up bridal style from my window perch. He’s got a lean build, but his muscles ripple along his bare arms. His bare chest pressed against the fabric of my own. He was so… solid. It surprised me because I knew him, but only as a shadow…

Gold loops in his ears, gold cuffs around his wrists, you know his new adornments are part of this trick, but you can’t ask because he’s already claimed your mouth with his. The hunger in his kiss sends shivers down your spine as you feel like he might swallow you whole. You know he’s leading you to the bed, but you’re missing the strength to protest as his hand starts to fondle your breast. He sends hot kisses down your neck and pushes aside the low collar of your dress as he pushes you onto the bed.

You gasp his name and one word, “How?” Before you crumble under his lips against your skin, his hands so quickly beneath your clothes, removing your underwear with one skillful movement.

“Full moon of a great disaster,” he finally tires of your dress and rips it off, fabric falling against the gleam in his dark eyes. “A breeding ground of fear.”

There is something in the way he emphasizes the word “breeding,” the way his hips grind into yours, his body pinning you down. He sniffs the air just above your skin and then licks your hard nipple. “You’re ripe for me, fertile fruit.” His hand strokes between your legs, already wet, and easily slips two fingers inside you. “Filled with fear.”

You moan as his fingers curl and caress your sensitive spot. His voice becomes gruff as his other hand grips the meat of your ass, “Ready to be filled with me.”

You can’t find the breath to protest as his rough hands move within you and his mouth aggressively bites at your nipples.

“Ahhhh…” you wish you wanted him to stop, but the week had been so long, so terrifying, that you welcome the release. You wrap your legs around him, pulling him further against you. He smiles against your breast and continues, allowing you to push the black jeans off his waist with your feet. You’re surprised at how easily they come off, but don’t have time to think much on it as his tip caresses the back of your thigh. Precum drips down your skin and reminds you of his purpose… he intends to breed you.

So why are you opening your legs wider? Why are you caressing his tip with your leg? Letting it rub circles against your skin? Pressing himself against you with a rough moan as you push up with your hips, the bottom of your ass teasing him further.

You can feel the coil inside you tighten as he brings you to the edge of orgasm, but then he stops, pulling out his fingers and rubbing them against your inner thigh and lips.

You whine, but he only shakes his head, “Not yet.”

He teases you with his penis, rubbing his wet tip against your clit and then along the rim of your lips. Each time, he dips himself inside you just a little more. You throw your head back as his makes another round. Your hips shake against the torment. You know his next pass will trigger your desire, but he sheathes himself completely inside you instead, breaking the pattern and leaving you clawing at his back.

“Not yet,” he mocks you as you try to finish the cycle by pressing his body against yours… but he’s stronger than you. He keeps you pinned down, his cock holding you in place from within, not allowing your hips to move.

You pout and he answers your unasked question, “The greater your desire for my seed, the more probable you’ll conceive.”

He circles his hips, stretching your walls and teasing your clit once again as he bends over you, “Declare that you wish you conceive.”

You bite your lip, unsure such a decision should be made. He teases you again, unaffected by your silence. He knows your answer already. One hand begins to stroke your clit as the other steadies your hips. He pulls himself out, and then in with the skill only a demon could perform. It wears you down as waves of pleasure fill you outside and in.

“Let me cum,” you beg.

“Not yet,” he mocks, turning you around and breaking the rhythm once again. “Say the words.”

You shake your head, your face now in the pillow. You try to push yourself up, but he pushes you down, bending your back with a forceful thrust. You moan, unable to hide your enjoyment of his aggression.

“Mmm,” he bites your shoulder as his hand finds your clot once again. “What if I take your orgasm as consent instead? If you don’t want to conceive, don’t cum,” his hand circles you masterfully, having learned your rhythm. You moan into your pillow. “I’ll only cum if you do.”

Your heart jumps at the challenge and you try to claw out of his grasp. He allows you to reach the edge of the bed before thrusting. Your breasts press into the mattress edge as he holds you steadily against him. He grows in his excitement, swelling with cum, but he doesn’t release. Instead he plays your clit, praising you every time you squeeze around him in pleasure.

“The woman comes, squeezing her mate and opening her womb to him,” he chants as if reading from a sacred text. “Open yourself to me.”

Your body starts to shake. You can feel it coming, but your mind tries to focus on the threat inside you, brimming with seed, pressing against your inner wall, ready to burst inside you… your sin lies in how much that image turns you on. You hide your face as you let yourself go and he thrusts deep within you as you cum. He pours himself inside you, stretching you with the amount as it fills every space, leaving no chance your egg won’t be found.

He shudders against you in relief, but keeps your hips raised. You stare at the ground and wonder what you’ve done. Thunder sounds in the distance from the storm you’d forgotten was still coming.

Imagine your demon boyfriend



  • leaving you gifts on your door step (probably the hearts of your enemies)
  • actually trying to court you properly before fucking your brains out and failing exceptionally at it
  • curling around you on cold days because his blood runs hot
  • eating you out with his long tongue until you shiver and tremble
  • giving you a sweet and gentle kiss after he came home from a kill
  • fucking you hard into the mattress while you scream blasphemy
  • telling you how sinful you smell and taste
  • begging you to suck his cock
  • stealingbuying you your favorite chocolate when you’re sad
  • letting you feed him with your hands
  • making love to you on a rainy day when he smells of burned flesh and death
  • reinventing dirtytalk and literally driving you insane with it
  • watching you while you fuck a human and then killing that human
  • getting all teary-eyed because the flowers he tries to bring you rot before he arrives
  • holding your hand because he’s afraid of the dark
  • using your stomach as a pillow
  • trying to breed you everytime he’s in a rut
  • killing every other demon who tries to touch you
  • getting all flustered when you kill every human who tries to touch him
  • kissing every inch of your body while he thinks you’re asleep
  • moaning “I love you”s into your mouth while he mounts you
  • leaving a mating mark on your body
  • getting all blushy when he asks you to bite him too
  • scenting you for hours after he has been gone for weeks and rubbing himself all over you
  • regularly stealing a piece of your clothing so he’ll have your scent with him too
  • asking you to fuck him with a strap-on (。◕‿◕。)

feel free to add!


  • moaning “I love you”s into your mouth while he mounts you – this one just gets me 

My additions:

  • unable to say “no” to your kinky need to fuck him in a church
  • taking it a step further and pretending to offer you as a sacrifice on the altar 
  • losing himself inside of you as you moan your sins
  • kissing your belly, full of his cum, and wishing you wouldn’t let his seed spill out of you
  • hoping one day he’ll see you plump with his offspring
  • rubbing your growing belly and whispering to the child in a language you don’t understand
  • kissing your tender breasts, his face full of pride at how beautifully you glow with his seed implanted within you
  • worrying over your pains and sick days with an intense amount of spells and herbs to aid you
  • watching him cower under the gaze of a demonic midwife who has a few choice words about the amount of bite marks you’re still receiving during your pregnancy
  • unable to restrain himself from bending you over every time you feel the child kick 
  • avoiding the midwife’s gaze when she examines the claw marks on our ass
  • watching your labor with a wide grin as you scream obscenities at him and curse him into damnation he already knows too well 
  • holding his child, still covered in blood, and licking him clean for you
  • cradling you in his lap as you breastfeed