Power Given. Power Taken.

(Inspired by the artwork in this post)

There’s a demon sitting in the middle of the city, but no one stops to stare. Do they not see this behemoth? Twice the size of any man, he towers over the night rush after work. His dark, reflective eyes look through each passerby, but they do not return the glance. They cannot. They are blind to his fearsome form. The closest anyone comes to recognition is within a shiver as they pass by. Their aura sensitive enough to signal his presence with raised skin in fright. And they should be afraid. He looks hungry.


But after hours, he remains on his perch like an awesome marble statue from ancient times. His chiseled, muscular body is displayed nude, leaving nothing to your imagination except his motive…

… and his voice. But that mystery disappears as his haunted gaze finally falls on your hiding spot. He opens his mouth and speaks in a tone so low that it pulls your spirit down into the depths of Hell just to hear it. Sulfur fills the air from his breath as he addresses you, “How long will you stare at me from the shadows, child?

For to one as old as he, you are a child. And you feel like one, guiltily stepping into the street light before a God of Darkness. You know he can see you just fine where you stood, but you feel compelled to come closer.

He licks his lips in a dangerous smile, revealing fangs that could tear you to pieces. He adjusts his stance, spreading his legs with a ponderous fist against his thigh the size of your torso. You dare not look down at his dark display below his waist; so you look to his side. His other claw clutches the rail with a clenched tension that warns he’s holding himself back. Like a hound tied to a tether about to snap, he growls in warning as you take another step closer without answering him.

You can’t. You’ve lost your ability to speak. Your throat is dry and lungs burn from ash that’s floating in the air around him. You should run, but you can’t stop yourself from continuing to move towards him. He stretches his wings at your approach. Darkness billows from them in smoky clouds that shroud the night scene until no one else exists around you.

You’ve stepped into an alternate plane, overlapping with your own in an intersection of time that shouldn’t exist outside of faery tales and nightmares.

Speak,” he commands.

You choke as you respond, “I don’t know what to say.”

Nor do you know what do. You’re now inches from his knee.

What do you desire?” You’re nearly eye level with his crotch, and his question catches you off guard. You try not to let your gaze wonder that low, but your eyes betray you in their own curiosity…

He is quite unashamedly erect. You gasp, taking a step back from his monstrous need. He laughs, and the thunderous sound shakes the ground beneath you. “You are a dishonest species, lying even to yourself.

“I…” still don’t know what to say.

Is it so difficult? To say what you think?

“Yes,” you almost forget his size and status as his taunting question teases out a dormant desire within you: honesty. “A person is judged for every word they say.”

And you are tired of being judged.” It isn’t a question.

“Yes!” The truth of it pulses through your veins and you touch his massive knee with a small slap in affirmation. He grunts and you blush while lightly petting his rough skin in apology. He lets you and doesn’t stop your fingers from lingering on the texture of a body calloused by a thousand scars all healed with imperfect grace. “Why are you here?”

To find you,” his claw tips your chin, leading your eyes up his battle worn body to his piercing gaze. You feel possessed as his eyes lock with yours. His hand trails down your body, reacting sinfully to his touch. “And make you mine.

You gulp as your heart skips a beat and then another. You resist to urge to refuse his words because… because it wouldn’t be true. You’ve spent your life denying yourself – shaming yourself – and for what purpose? To whose will are you bending? And why not bend to your own?

You let your gaze fall on his rigid member, and this time you don’t force yourself to look away. Instead you admire his thick, glistening head. The girth of your fist and vined with throbbing veins, it beckons you, “Touch it.”

You obey with pleasure. The heat from his skin warms your hands as his own cut away your clothes, leaving you bare to the world.

You’re beautiful,” he admires with a untempered growl. His desire beads in forbidden droplets that pool and slide down his cock. Then onto your hands.

You don’t wait for his command as you kiss his shaft. Tongue gliding over the salty streams of his cum, you delight in his essence burning down your throat like a shot of bourbon. It warms your stomach and sets your skin on fire. It’s addictive, and you consume more of him. Greedily sucking on his cock with lips unable to stretch wide enough to take his whole head in.

Yes. Drink,” he hisses, gushing into your mouth and over your body. Endless waves of his seed bathe you in precum as he rises taunter towards orgasm.

You feel powerful. Rubbing your breasts against his slick shaft and watching this massive beast cave and shake under you. Loosing his ability to form words, he howls into the night. His claws cut into your waist and shoulder. Your blood mixes with his precum as it runs down your body. You don’t care. The pain only fuels your thirst.

He roars as he edges closer to release, but he lets you remain in control. You’re dripping with him and yourself. His ragged breathing fills your ears. His taste fills your mouth as he cums with a force that chokes you. Sputtering in surprise, you close your eyes as your entire face is anointed in thick ropes of cum. It pools at your feet in a sticky puddle.

You’re proud. You’re full. And… you’re still very horny. He stretches in a satisfied sigh. “You are ready.

He releases the railing and stands at his full height before you. With one clawed finger, he scoops a stream of his cum trailing down your stomach, and then plunges it between your legs in a swift thrust that leaves you breathless. One of his fingers is more than enough to fill you. He guides you down into the pool of his semen as you spread your legs wider. You’d worry about the thick mess beneath you, but your focus is on the beast now kneeling above you.

Lubricated by his cum, his finger continues to thrust within you. The tip of his nail pierces your cervix like a shot that you soon grow accustomed to as he finds your rhythm. Curling his finger, he elicits your moans.

His thumb rubs your clit and you loose yourself in pleasure. He enjoys your lustful shakes as he edges you closer. He stops moving as you almost cum. You squirm, beg, and pull him closer. He enjoys the show and rewards you with more pleasure.

But he continues to stop each time you get close. He likes you begging… demanding… lusting. His patience seems endless and your pleasure intensifies with each new round. You reach levels of joy you’d never known were possible as the dark world dissolves into a vortex of shadow.

Your eyes focus on his face… his smile… his lips claim yours in an unholy kiss as you’re finally allowed to cum against him.

You wrap your body around him. Shaking in ecstasy, you praise his name.

Now you are mine.



Is it strange that the thing I like most about this is the way his hand fits around her waist? And how perfectly proportioned they are to complement each other as she hooks her arm around his head and can lean so comfortably on his upper arm.

It’s not a loving embrace. But they fit, and that’s what makes it fascinatingly alluring.

Commissions Discounted For Summer!

Prices based on kofi but you can use PayPal or Venmo too.

500 words = $9

1000 words = $12 (this is the size of most chapters in Dark Encounters)

1500 words = $15 (this is the size of Lesson)

2000 words = $18

2500 words = $21 (the size of Lesson’s Sequel on Oviposition)

3000 words = $24 (a bit more than OviBlaster)

4000 words = $30 (most Heat-Tale stories are about this length)

5000 words = $36 (Max Ideal for a whole story – multiple events and scenes. Anything higher than this is chaptered at that point – which is fine with me. Just expect anything over 5000 to take longer than a week)

Commissions always take priority in my time, so after we’ve talked over your desires and payment has been received, you’ll receive your piece in a week for review. You can request any changes to descriptions, actions, dialogue. And you’ll have a finished piece within a week of those requests.

What Will I Write?

  • Demons (specific or vague darkness, your pick)
  • Teratophilia (any monster, extra $ if it’s from a particular movie or show I haven’t seen)
  • Undertail (UT, US, UF, SF/FS, Mafia, GB, HT – extra $ for more obscure AUs)
  • NSFW or SFW
  • Consensual or Non-Con
  • Any Kink you desire except Pedophilia. (Age Play is fine)
  • “You” second person perspective, First person perspective of a specific character, or third person perspective are all fine.
  • Multiple partners
  • LGBTQA+ all perfectly fine to request.

What I Won’t Do: Pedophilia. All characters involved in sexual acts must be 18+.

Send me a message through here or email me at daemonstar09@gmail.com

Guide to what you can expect from different size word counts below:

  • 500 words – a very detailed and glorious scene
  • 1000 words – a scene with more story or a scene with multiple detailed sexual activities.
  • 1500 words – Story with multiple sexual acts or a detailed scene involving more than two characters.
  • 2000 words – Much more story with sex that can involve more than two at this point if desired.
  • 2500 words – possibilities are endless by this point. It’s just about balancing what you want more: story or sex?
  • 4000 – 5000 words is ideal for a miniature tale. Truly a story. A whole arch of events can happen. Multiple instances of being together in some form or other.

Still don’t know exactly what length you’d need? Tell me your desire, and I’ll plot out a couple sizes for you.

If I underestimate a size and have to write more to complete a piece, you are NOT charged for the extra. I’m a woman of integrity. If I get carried away, at that point, I just had a lot of fun, and you don’t have to pay me for that ^_^