I’m also a long-time Tumblr user struggling with the ‘switch’ to Twitter- but I’ve figured out something re the ‘culture’ of it! I saw you reblogged one of the posts expressing frustration at the fact that it’s frowned upon to comment – what I’ve found is that Replies are okay for art, Quote Tweets are not. Effectively, it’s the difference between a reply/comment-in-tags on a Tumblr post, vs *reposting the art* (just with guaranteed source). Quote Tweets don’t get notes to the OP, so that’s why!

Thanks anon! I did know that’s the reason why you don’t comment. It just sucks that that’s how this platform works – you comment and you essentially steal away any notes the artist can get – which sucks. So I won’t do it, of course. Just replying after retweet sounds great for artist but then less followers are going to see what I have to say about it. —- which maybe is egocentric? But I like the Tumblr system.

On a different note, I like Pillowfort’s system where the reblogs etc. are all threaded so it’s not constantly repeated (I always disliked that on Tumblr). I’ll be keeping an eye on Pillow fort switching out of .io so that can accept NSFW content. They say they are and I think they will for the fan base alone.

When I was younger, my sister and I fought a lot, but would usually end up napping together at the end of the day. All of the empty “I hate you”s and the frustrated tears and the scratches just changed to us passing out on the living room floor cuddling like teddy bears. My mom still posts old pictures with the line “they stay fighting but always end up like this”.

My sister and I finally became best friends in our early twenties when our parents finally got divorced. We still reminense about fights and staying up talking for hours.

No one understands the shit you went through growing up better than your sibling. But being forced to live in the same confined space for so long sometimes makes you take for granted the best friend you have right in front of you.

Thank you for sharing anon.

I’m the oldest of three, and my mother would always tell me how terrified she was every time I would fall down or put something inedible in my mouth… versus her third child, where you give them a quick hug and say “Hey, no biggie! Go play!” I wonder if you ever have more children, if you’ll have the same experience. So much of motherhood is instinctual, and yet so much of it is learning!

So much truth in this. I will eventually find out. Though, as a confession our daughter is GREAT – like amazing – and we still have our hands full. So we pause every now and then and wonder about having a second. We both believe heavily in siblings (we both have siblings) and the camaraderie that comes with having someone who’s lived in the same house as you. But… it’s a lot. I mean, the waking up at night, the lack of naps when you’re tired and then endless 3 hour naps while you’re fully awake, but she has to sleep on top of you or she won’t stay asleep 🤣

I keep picturing how one does this but with a two and a half year old also in the picture… the answer is always: you do it, because you have to and you will. But it will be hard. You will cry a lot. And your heart will be more full than you ever thought possible. I understand the frustration/love that is parenting, and I’ve only just begun. You will literally give up whole aspects of your life and plans for this little person and they will have NO CONCEPT of the sacrifice you’ve made… in fact, I didn’t really understand until I became a parent. I have never loved my parents more than I do now. It is… complete love to give to your child a decent life full of attention, love, and care.

Anyway, I digress. I’ve already noticed that I have a thicker skin for my daughter’s wobbles than others. I know her falls and her balance and her capabilities better than anyone (except maybe herself). It’s fun to watch others freak out when I know she’s just going to fall on her butt and be fine. ^_^ And I can guess I will be more trusting with the second… but, I almost wish I wouldn’t. I feel like these moments of her asserting her independence are important. She’s teaching me a lot about what she’s capable of, and I feel like the second should get that same accomplishment… but in the end, number two will never have the exact experience as number one. So I think my number one goal will always be to NOT compare them. They should never feel like they’re competing, even though instinctively they will. I will do my best to make sure they understand they are loved.

… lol but look at me getting ahead of myself. It’s no secret that I want to breed again. But we were hoping to wait another year… if my body had her way, I’d be pregnant tonight.

For the anon having a hard time. I have not posted your ask. I have no real answer to it. I will post it now:

“For that last post, who ever wrote it must of had a relatively decent life. I don’t really see the idea that other’s can look at their present without falling into despair. It’s nice that is a reality for some but others have to look away in order to move forward. Heck think about how the brain deals with trama to you. It covers it up or you don’t quite remember or you find excuses. Life can be very not present.”

Life can be hard for all of us in different ways, times, frequencies. It sucks. Sometimes the only comfort I’ve ever found is that time keeps moving forward. The only thing I can rely on is that tomorrow will come. Change is the only constant.

In Tarot, Change is represented by the Death card. I always thought that was appropriate; because in order to survive trauma, you have to find a way to be reborn. You can’t go back to the way you were. And yet, to find your place in this world after… it takes time, love (sometimes only available from your own self), and a quest for your next great adventure – something to give you life again – that only you would know what to strive for. Hope.

I wish you the best as you and so many strive through the past and present to try and find happiness in the future.

I don’t really know what else I can say. When someone’s hurting, I let them voice their pain and sometimes that’s all one can do. Good luck, anon. I leave you with this blessing I was taught as a kid. I was raised by Irish Catholic priests who I loved dearly. I may not be Catholic anymore, but the sentiment in this blessing, I think, reaches beyond religion to a real human wish for good to come your way:

“May the road rise up to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

And the rains fall soft upon your fields,

Until we meet again,

May our god(universe/goddess/light)

Hold you in the palm of their hand.”

Sinful confession for the Priestess in the confessional, I have a huge motherly kink even as a female. I have no idea why but kind loving mom’s characters make me happy.

I have a huge mom kink too… and I’m a mom. So really, at this point, I just really like myself. Ha ha! Oh! Does this mean you like me too anon? 😘 I am quite a character… *blushes* No, I’m just playing around. Now let’s go inside and have some cookies…

This is why Toriel is one of my favorite characters in Undertale. I love her so much.

Your husband is seriously goals ❤❤❤ I’m so happy for you, for him and for your daughter that you have found each other. But do tell! How did you propose? I bet I’m not the only one who’s curious to know how was it like!

Well, I’m horrible at secrets (with people I love/respect) so I didn’t have a plan… but on another level I almost spontaneously blurted the question in public about four times throughout the year leading up to the day I finally asked. I dreamed about it several times in that year too. One was so vivid: I rolled over in bed and asked him before we slept. He said yes. Then I woke up and cried realizing it hadn’t actually happened. I resolved right then that it must soon be time. I would wait for the time that would feel the most right in real life. (It would happen within that month).

I didn’t make a specific plan. I’m horrible at keeping secrets from loved ones. And I wanted it to be a surprise. So I really was just looking for a sign from the universe. I knew it couldn’t be in public and I knew an engagement ring was not going to be a thing (we don’t do commercial traditions – to each their own if you’re reading this and have one. As long as you’re happy and love it, that’s all that matters. We do have wedding bands though – that’s a legit ancient tradition).

So one day it just was… perfect. We ended up spontaneously in a place that reminded us of where we met (a bookstore) and then hung out with his family. His mother did her usual introduction of me as her daughter in law when her son wasn’t around to hear. This time, I casually replied “Well maybe I should just ask him.” She nodded, “You should.” And BAM! I realized I just asked permission for my boyfriend’s hand in marriage from his mother.

And then we spent the evening with our best friends. We laughed and had an amazing time and I again got the strong sense that this could be my life forever… if I would just ask him.

But I felt I needed one more sign. My hands were shaking on the steering wheel as we headed home. He asked to go to the mailbox to see if his Christmas present had arrived (I told you I was horrible at surprises… in fact, our tradition is that we always exchanged Christmas gifts a month in advance because we won’t keep the secret or leave a present hiding somewhere.) So I tell myself if his present is actually in the mailbox – a day early, I might add – then I would use it as an engagement gift instead.

And it was there.

I’m watching him hold this amazon box with glee and he has no idea my heart is pounding during the walk home into the apartment. I tell him I want to give him his gift first in our exchange and when I hand it to him I asked, “Will you marry me?”

He blinked, “Are you serious?”

“Yes.” I felt like I was going to fall to pieces any moment.

“Well, of course. I love you.” And then he kissed me and my heart soared and then we had the extremely awkward phone calls late at night trying to tell best friends and family that we were engaged. Best friends were faux enraged that there was no big public pop the question (as if. I tell you, if I had done it in public, he would have said no. I’m sure of it.) and family was like “yay, but we’re sleepy.” Lesson of this Part of the story: if you do it unplanned, just enjoy it and don’t worry about others knowing immediately… lol

We cuddled and probably watched Doctor Who or something. I’m not sure exactly what happened the rest of the night. I just remember being overjoyed and exhausted from the excitement.